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1:-Milk/दूध (As per your requirement or amount of people you have to serve/ अपने हिसाब से दूध ले या जीतने लोग हो उस्स हिसाब से).

2:-Banana/केला 1-2 .

3:-Strawberry syrup 2-3tablespoon /स्ट्रॉबेरी सिरप 2-3चम्मच .

4:-Sugar (optional/as per your taste)/ चीनी (ऑप्शनल/अपने स्वाद अनुसार).

5:-Garnish with whipped cream(optional) / व्हिप्पड क्रीम से सजाए (इच्छा अनुसार).

A banana shake with strawberry syrup and whipped cream is a delightful and refreshing treat. The shake is made by blending ripe bananas with cold milk . The natural sweetness of the bananas shines through, offering a rich and satisfying flavor.

To elevate the shake, a generous drizzle of strawberry syrup is added, infusing the drink with a burst of fruity, tangy sweetness that contrasts beautifully with the creamy banana. The syrup not only enhances the taste but also adds a vibrant pink color, making the shake visually appealing.

Finally, the shake is topped with a swirl of light, fluffy whipped cream. The whipped cream adds a decadent, airy texture and a mild sweetness, creating a perfect balance with the fruit flavors. The result is a deliciously indulgent beverage that’s both satisfying and visually stunning—a perfect treat for a hot day or as a sweet dessert.

Indulge in the delightful fusion of strawberries and bananas with our luscious Strawberry Banana Shake. This refreshing and creamy concoction is a celebration of fruity goodness, promising a burst of flavors in every sip. Join us on a journey to create this simple yet heavenly shake that’s perfect for breakfast, a snack, or a sweet treat any time of the day.


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